EDITORIAL: Water accidents can be averted

The recent boat tragedy that left 12 people dead on Nyabarongo River is a stark reminder that water transport needs to be regulated.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The recent boat tragedy that left 12 people dead on Nyabarongo River is a stark reminder that water transport needs to be regulated.

Water transport is not widespread in Rwanda mainly due to the good road network and short distances, except for lakeside residents who depend on it to survive.

It is not uncommon to see unstable dug-out canoes on some of the water bodies piled with with people and their wares with no life jackets or swimming skills.

Whether maritime, air or road transport, stringent regulatory guidelines should be met. Just as no one can drive or fly a plane without valid certification, water pilots should have the same, especially when they hold people’s fates in their hands.

But security in our waters would be enhanced if the private sector invested in water transport, bring in water worthy passenger boats that can easily be regulated. Safety of passengers should be the priority for local authorities when according transport permits, if at all boat owners are required to possess one.

Water transport is a niche market but it’s surprising it has not attracted the attention of entrepreneurs, maybe when they step in, the mayhem will reduce.

But in the meantime rigid control is needed to avert further loss of life.