Streamline public service recruitment

Editor, Reference is made to the story, “MPs call for unambiguous public service recruitment procedures” (The New Times, January 13). This call by MPs is clear and it is very important because employed incompetent people do not do a good job while the more qualified ones are redundant.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Reference is made to the story, "MPs call for unambiguous public service recruitment procedures” (The New Times, January 13). This call by MPs is clear and it is very important because employed incompetent people do not do a good job while the more qualified ones are redundant.



Normally this should be the work of the Ministry of Public Service and Labour (Mifotra) and the Public Service Commission since they are the employers of public servants. Otherwise if left to individual institutions then they just recruit the way they want.

For instance, how can you ask an institution to restructure itself? This is how you end up finding an accountant in one public entity with job attributions that are different from another equally qualified accountant in another government agency, yet they are supposed to be doing the same job.

Mifotra should clearly set national job descriptions and job holders qualifications.
