MoH should sensitise the public about Hepatitis

Editor, Reference is made to Sunny Ntayombya’s article, “Mutabazi was saved, but who couldn’t be?” (The New Times, January 14). It is terrible and bitter. Hepatitis A, B, C... is wrecking havoc among Rwandans. Hepatitis is highly transmissible and hardly curable; but the Ministry of Health (MoH) has failed to sensitise the general public about Hepatitis, which is as dangerous as HIV/Aids.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Reference is made to Sunny Ntayombya’s article, "Mutabazi was saved, but who couldn’t be?” (The New Times, January 14).

It is terrible and bitter. Hepatitis A, B, C... is wrecking havoc among Rwandans. Hepatitis is highly transmissible and hardly curable; but the Ministry of Health (MoH) has failed to sensitise the general public about Hepatitis, which is as dangerous as HIV/Aids.

People should demand that MoH and Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) extend their services to life threatening diseases such as this one.

The media should set out to investigate this issue, mostly in MoH and RSSB as well as other health insurance providers and give more insights into how things are? I trust you are capable of this.

I know there are Rwandan traditional medicines which are effective, but do not cure it completely—they simply make it less potent so that you can live with it and live with your spouse without infecting him/her. MoH should also look into this avenue and promote further research.

Juliet Umulisa