Faced with a computer

You might see university students looking all fresh and nice but the level of their civilisation according to the 21st century standards is quite alarming. You definitely know I mean the dot-com generation.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

You might see university students looking all fresh and nice but the level of their civilisation according to the 21st century standards is quite alarming. You definitely know I mean the dot-com generation. 

Bring these people before a computer and ask them to switch it on with the task of saving a document and you will be shocked. You are better off asking them to bite their finger off. You will see the cool guy in his fancy jacket and bad boy neck chain sweating profusely yet it is raining outside. When he is asked to rename the document,he ends up deleting it.

Having the knowledge on how to switch on the computer, save a document and rename it made me the computer wizard of the class. They actually almost made me the assistant lecturer but I decided not to take the offer. (At least that is what I lie to people).

Finally I got Cynthia (my all-time crush) to talk to me, she needed my assistance.And this dude that I have always envied, her boyfriend,took twenty minutes to find a button on the keyboard. Sometimes he even goes two days still trying to figure out where a certain letter is on the keyboard.

The lecturer on the other hand has the most basic knowledge on computers. After teaching, he runs out of class before anyquestions are asked.But he loves our class because in the history of the university, he has never come across a class so ignorant.

In my class, the computer is for watching movies on VLC and if you remove the VLC from the desktop, the computer will be as good as dead.

Ask the students to write an essay assignment that is typed out as opposed to hand written (which is their favourite) and the quickest time you will get that assignment is in nine months. It is As if as if the assignment was conceived!

And there is one girl who sits at the back and depends on the boys she sits next to for help with her assignments. This time they were of nohelp. As the lecturer walked around checking on everyone’s screen, her makeup started to fade as she sweated.

After this class, the cleaner doesn’t have to mop the floor. It is washed and left wet with sweat after these students leave.
