This week has been a very busy one for ministry of education officials, teachers, parents and students. Since Monday when PLE and O’level results were released by Education Minister Prof. Silas Lwakabamba, schools, have been studying their students performance and warming up for new students, while parents cannot wait for selections to know where their children will go to for Senior One and Senior Four. The students, too, are curious to join their new schools.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This week has been a very busy one for ministry of education officials, teachers, parents and students. Since Monday when PLE and O’level results were released by Education Minister Prof. Silas Lwakabamba, schools, have been studying their students performance and warming up for new students, while parents cannot wait for selections to know where their children will go to for Senior One and Senior Four. The students, too, are curious to join their new schools.

The unending activity is simply a loud message to all stakeholders that the ‘Christmas party’ is over and focus should immediately shift to business – studying, teaching and providing essentials of life. As the ministry announced, the new term starts on January 26. The Education Times therefore congratulates last year’s candidates on your achievement and wishes you a great term and 2015.

In ‘Open Voice’ students discuss why people abort and also highlight the dangers of engaging in the practice. We also look at the history of Kigali City and how it came to be one of the model towns in the world. Nice reading.