Tell Chaka....

Tell Chaka is a platform where children inform me on various topics concerning their life styles. In this space I do not welcome the children’s voices only, I also listen to adults who would wish to tell or give me any information concerning their little ones (children).

Monday, September 08, 2008

Tell Chaka is a platform where children inform me on various topics concerning their life styles. In this space I do not welcome the children’s voices only, I also listen to adults who would wish to tell or give me any information concerning their little ones (children).

Recently I was told that there are step parents who still mistreat their step children through corporal punishment. Some of the punishment given to the step children, include heavy chores like fetching water on empty stomachs, slashing big compounds and doing domestic work alone while other people at home do nothing.

In fact this is not the first time I have heard of step children being mistreated. I have seen cases were such children are terribly beaten when caught in the wrong.

Some of these children endure torture for instance they are burnt or given some other heavy punishment which violates their rights as human beings.

Am sorry to say so but step mothers should get to know that what they are doing to their step children isn’t some thing worth to be done by a parents.

It is wrong. It goes against our African culture in which the concept of ‘steps’, does not exist. Children from other marriages become both the husband and wives children and should be treated as such.

All children have the same rights, today you are mistreating some ones child but you don’t know what the future holds.
Children are our God given treasures not to be treated badly; we are denying God’s blessings in lives.

Let us treat equally and fairly the children God has blessed us with. Stop seeing children as things with no value but as a huge treasure God has placed in our hands.       
