We must jealously guard Mutuelle de Sante

Last week’s dramatic resignations and arrests of several district leaders in Western Province over suspected abuse of the community based health insurance, best known as Mutuelle de Santé, has put the spotlight on this indispensable national scheme.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Last week’s dramatic resignations and arrests of several district leaders in Western Province over suspected abuse of the community based health insurance, best known as Mutuelle de Santé, has put the spotlight on this indispensable national scheme. 

The importance of Mutuelle de Santé cannot be overemphasized.

The scheme has enabled millions of Rwandans around the country to access affordable and quality health care services, thereby significantly improving life expectancy and enhancing quality of life in the country.

Mutuelle de Santé is without doubt one of the country’s most successful homegrown mechanisms with an incredible effect of primary health care.

As many as 73 per cent of Rwandans were subscribers of the health insurance scheme as of July last year.

While this looks to be an impressive figure, it represented a drop from 80.7 per cent in the preceding financial year 2012/13 and 90.7 per cent in 2011/12.  

The dropping subscription rates were only a symptom. Indeed a recent nationwide audit into the Fund pointed to a wide range of vices that threatened the scheme, partly resulting in the accumulation of more than a whopping Rwf2.3 billion in medical bill arrears owed to referral hospitals and district health centres.

Such documented malpractices as diversion of premiums and distortion of subscription figures should not be tolerated and all those implicated and found guilty of wrongdoing should be held accountable, including being ordered to return the stolen funds in case of misappropriation.

While western districts may have in recent days witnessed several resignations and arrests associated with suspected mismanagement of Mutuelle premiums, it is believed that the other districts were not immune from the abuse either.

Therefore, there is need for thorough and consistent investigations into this scam countrywide to save the lives of many around the country.

It’s an all-important programme that we all must jealously guard.