Analysis on good leadership: By Pupils of Rugando Primary School

Mayitia Eugene-15 is in P.3 and is a leader responsible for good behavior in the school. He says a good leader is responsible and leads by example. Eugene encourages all children at his school to always respect their leaders.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Mayitia Eugene-15 is in P.3 and is a leader responsible for good behavior in the school. He says a good leader is responsible and leads by example. Eugene encourages all children at his school to always respect their leaders.

Niyonsenga Alphose-15 in P.3 is a class monitor and says that he takes care of the class when the teacher is not in. according to Alphonse a good leader is exemplary and helps those he leads to find solutions to their problems. He admires Bernard Makuza the prime minister of Rwanda and George W. Bush.

Iyakaremye Emanuel- 15 in P.5 is a class monitor. He says that a good leader teaches others to be responsible and follow rules and regulations.

Emanuel advises all children to work hard and have a vision that is related to Vision 2020.

Iradukunda Marie-11 in P.5 says that a good leader should always be fair and considerate with everyone. Her role models in leadership are President Paul Kagame and George W. Bush.

Akimana Chantal-14 in P.4 is a class monitor. She says that a good leader follows school policies and teaches others to follow them too.

Chantal says that every one should study hard and respect each other.

President Paul Kagame, Prime Minister Bernard Makuza and Minister Joseph Habineza are her role models in Rwanda.

Dusabimana Marie Chantal-15 in P.5 says that a good leader is well behaved and tells others the right thing to do. She advises every pupil to study hard in order to get promoted to the next class and to avoid joining bad groups.
