Kudos to Floris Rwanda for showcasing Rwanda beauty

Editor, This letter is with reference to your article, “Genocide survivor partners with 530 farmers to export organic fruits” (The New Times, January 4). Your regular stories about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi survivors and how they have made a difference, against all odds, are always a source of great inspiration to me. I am sure many others,too, would draw lessons from thesetouching, yet true stories.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015


This letter is with reference to your article, "Genocide survivor partners with 530 farmers to export organic fruits” (The New Times, January 4).

Your regular stories about the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi survivors and how they have made a difference, against all odds, are always a source of great inspiration to me. I am sure many others,too, would draw lessons from thesetouching, yet true stories.

Kudos to Donatille Nibagwire, proprietor of Floris Rwanda,for having had remarkably showcased the country’s natural beauty to the world.

Mrs. Nibagwire has taken a lead in exporting Rwanda’s flowers, fruits and vegetables, thus earning valuable foreign exchange for the country and supplementing the exports of traditional products—high quality tea and coffee.

While Nibagwire has weathered many a storm in her life, please allow me to share with her and all your esteemed readers a few lines from the speech of King George VI, which my father would always write on the first page of his diary at the beginning of each year:

And I said to the man at the gate of the year,"Give me a light; that I might walk into the unknown.” And the man said to me: "Go into the darkness and put your hand in the hand of God. That shall be to you more than light and safer than a known way.”

Wishing all Rwandans a Happy New Year 2015!

Clarence Fernandes