Rayon Sports should meet their obligations

Editor, Refer to the story, “Rayon under pressure to pay players’ wages” (The New Times, December 30). This shambolic situation is perfectly iconic of our football management. It is high time we brought a degree of professionalism to this and many other critical areas in our country.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015


Refer to the story, "Rayon under pressure to pay players’ wages” (The New Times, December 30).

This shambolic situation is perfectly iconic of our football management. It is high time we brought a degree of professionalism to this and many other critical areas in our country.

How can you employ people and fail to pay them what they are entitled to? Do the owners of this club understand they are in serious violation of the national labour law?

How are the authorities (civil, legal and the sports administrators) not bringing them to book?

Mwene Kalinda