Health: Ask Nurse Felicia

Dear Nurse Felicia, I’ve been noticing lately that every time I drink Waragi, I wake up with a terrible headache the next morning. This never happened to me back in my university days, why now? One Too Many. Dear One Too Many, The very obvious answer is not to drink so much. While you may have had a higher tolerance when you were at university, presumably you now have a job and other responsibilities which prevent you from drinking heavily except during the weekend.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Dear Nurse Felicia,

I’ve been noticing lately that every time I drink Waragi, I wake up with a terrible headache the next morning. This never happened to me back in my university days, why now? One Too Many.

Dear One Too Many,

The very obvious answer is not to drink so much. While you may have had a higher tolerance when you were at university, presumably you now have a job and other responsibilities which prevent you from drinking heavily except during the weekend.

Excess drinking can be seriously detrimental to your health. In addition to long term problems like liver damage, overindulging can blur your judgment and lead to risky sexual behavior or drunk driving.

Alcohol can be enjoyable on social occasions but too much is never a good idea. That said, we all overdo it once in a while so here are some tips for recovery the next day:

Sometimes no matter what else you try, the only thing that will make you feel better is rest. Take it easy as pushing yourself will only make the headache worse.

Hydrate. Drink lots of water, both before you go to bed and again when you wake up in the morning. Salty foods can also help your body to retain water so a breakfast of eggs and chips may be just the thing.

As with most things though, prevention is always the best medicine. Cheers!

Nurse Felicia

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