I hate posers

I absolutely hate them! I detest the verb ‘posing’ and I loathe the noun ‘poser’. These fellows make us all honest, hardworking chaps look bad. I scrounge and save a portion of my salary each month, with the aim of buying a small, Japanese car, a ‘poser’ will get a loan from a bank, buy a Mercedes Benz and then not afford the fuel needed to run the bloody gas guzzler! But what happens when a girl, whom I might be interested in, sees him cruising around on those German wheels? She’ll notice how I always put her on taxi moto’s and think to herself, “maybe I should move up in life!” I hadn’t even actually thought about it until I had a tête-à-tête with a francophone-bilingual girl.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

I absolutely hate them! I detest the verb ‘posing’ and I loathe the noun ‘poser’. These fellows make us all honest, hardworking chaps look bad.

I scrounge and save a portion of my salary each month, with the aim of buying a small, Japanese car, a ‘poser’ will get a loan from a bank, buy a Mercedes Benz and then not afford the fuel needed to run the bloody gas guzzler! But what happens when a girl, whom I might be interested in, sees him cruising around on those German wheels?

She’ll notice how I always put her on taxi moto’s and think to herself, "maybe I should move up in life!” I hadn’t even actually thought about it until I had a tête-à-tête with a francophone-bilingual girl.

She alleged that we, Anglo guys, were boring, uncultured and stingy. Being myself, I couldn’t let such allegations pass without questioning their validity. I retaliated with ‘overwhelming and unnecessary force’, as the Americans accuse the Russians of doing in Georgia.

I asked: "How many of ‘your’ chaps actually drink and get totally sloshed?” "NONE.

"They buy two shots of expensive liquor, mix it with a generous dose of soda and then sip that accursed drink for hours”! "We ‘cheap and stingy’ fellows drink beers (cheap I admit) and get drunker than sailors because we’ve drunk a crateful”!

Sure, we sit on moto’s …but we aren’t broke ALL THE TIME….like some chaps I know! Cabs are costly and moto’s sober you up as you ride home, wind blowing in your face.

But will a girl look at you drinking Mutzig and sitting on a moto swoon and declare undying love for you. I think not….and if you do know such a rare creature, please direct her to my email….its at the bottom of the column.

I know it’s wrong to hate posers. "Hate is such a strong word that it shouldn’t be dallied about with….however, lets be honest; posers ought to get shot!

Last Friday, there was a "Carnival” at the Villa Royale in Nyarutarama. For ‘only’ ten thousand francs you could enjoy one brochette, a shot of whatever tipple you liked and a concert by two chaps called ‘Weasel and Radio’.

What a bargain huh? Shaaaa…with that ten thousand I bought drinks for my friends and I, danced at Orion nightclub and STILL had three thousand francs the next day. I ain’t a poser; never have been…never will be.

Contact: Madogz2002@yahoo.ca