New deal to help avail prompt ambulance services at matches

Rwanda Football Federation Association (Ferwafa) and the Red Cross are set to sign an agreement under which the latter will provide ambulances and medical personnel at all topflight matches, effective the New Year.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014
An ambulance takes APR defender Albert Ngabo who got a knock to the head during a league tie against Rayon Sports. (Timothy Kisambira)

Rwanda Football Federation Association (Ferwafa) and the Red Cross are set to sign an agreement under which the latter will provide ambulances and medical personnel at all topflight matches, effective the New Year. 

Red Cross Rwanda will be providing an ambulance in every match played in Kigali as well as first aid crew, according to Ferwafa spokesperson Moussa Hakizimana.

However, teams in the countryside will use ambulances belonging to hospitals as Red Cross tries to get more equipment to eventually be in position to provide an ambulance for every match day venue.

The hosting teams in Kigali will have to part with Rwf120, 000 while visiting teams will pay Rwf60, 000 for ambulance services.

"I think it is a good initiative which will help players, in case of any serious injury, to get quality immediate treatment and be rushed to hospital quickly,” Hakizimana said.

Rayon Sports spokesperson Aime Emmanuel Niyomusabye praised the initiative saying that it would come in handy, especially for club doctors, in case two players got injured at the same time.

However, some clubs like Police which have their own ambulances have ruled out the need for such services.