Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a married woman and a mother of one child. I was brought up by my step mother when my mother deserted us. My father remarried and our step mother took care of my six siblings. We are responsible adults. But mother is coming back to our lives to reclaim our love as if she gave us any.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a married woman and a mother of one child. I was brought up by my step mother when my mother deserted us.

My father remarried and our step mother took care of my six siblings. We are responsible adults. But mother is coming back to our lives to reclaim our love as if she gave us any.

What can I do? She is my mother but I have no love left for her because of the way she abandoned us at an early age. Marion

Dear Marion,

In a lifetime, you will only have one biological mother. Many people out there wish they had a mother, but that is just a wish – you are lucky to have two mothers who both love you.

While your mother abandoned you and siblings when you were young, time has come when she really needs you, and it is only human to forgive and forget the past.

If you have that kind of anger inside you, it will eventually break you and it will destroy everything that you so worked hard to build, and that is your future and your family.

I can assure you that no parent is perfect; it’s as good that you are a parent yourself-you might experience these things at some point in your life.

Your mother is trying to be close to you so that she can ask for forgiveness, but she can’t do that unless you forgive her first.

I suggest you keep both mothers close to you, one carried you for nine months lovingly and brought you unto this world, was with you up to a certain age, and the other one took over from her, you are very special to have two mothers who both love you.
