The secret life of .... Mako Nikoshwa

Mako Nikoshwa is a Ugandan based Rwandan musician. His latest hit is ‘Mujyane’ (take her). He has released three albums and two singles. What time do you wake up? I normally wake up at 8:30 a.m. I go for a cold shower and then have a glass of water. After, I peruse through my daily to see what I have for the day.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Mako Nikoshwa is a Ugandan based Rwandan musician. His latest hit is ‘Mujyane’ (take her). He has released three albums and two singles.

What time do you wake up?

I normally wake up at 8:30 a.m. I go for a cold shower and then have a glass of water. After, I peruse through my daily to see what I have for the day.

What’s the most expensive thing you have bought recently?

A piece of land.

What would you like to wear on the best evening?

A pair of baggy shorts and T-shirt and with sandals.

Whom would you invite to your dream dinner party?

My hero is President Paul Kagame. He is an amazing leader. He helped the country to reach greater heights.

What has been your greatest disappointment?

Death of my father. It’s was a terrible blow to us.

When did you last cry, and why?

Early this year. The earth quake claimed lives of innocent people in the country. It was horrible and I pray such things don’t happen again.

Who is your dream wife?

She knows herself. It’s no longer a rumor.

All my money goes on…..

Business, family matters and my fiancé. Sometimes, I buy beers and host my friends.

If you have time to yourself…

I watch documentaries of people like Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela, and Lucky Phillip Dube. These people inspired me. 

Your house of my dream….

Just any decent house as long as it shelters me together with my family.

Where did you grow up?


The moment that changed your life…

It was 2004 when I released my first album ‘Agaseko’ (a smile).

The best invitation ever……

To perform during the CHOGAM event in Uganda last.
