Fire guts Rwandan owned warehouse in Dubai

Jacaju cargo L.L.C, a clearing and forwarding company, owned by a Rwandan, faced a major loss on Friday last week when its warehouse located in Dubai was gutted in a fire.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Jacaju cargo L.L.C, a clearing and forwarding company, owned by a Rwandan, faced a major loss on Friday last week when its warehouse located in Dubai was gutted in a fire.

A source who spoke on condition of anonymity from the United Arab Emirates said yesterday that the fire outbreak occurred at 3:00 am (around 1:00 am in Rwanda), and they suspect it was caused by electric circuits but said that police is still carrying out investigations.

"There was a huge fire but police arrived in time and managed to control it from spreading to other surrounding warehouses. We are still waiting for a police report,” the source said.

The 80 container capacity warehouse is believed to be serving most of the Rwandans who import from Dubai. But the size of the loss to the importers and the company is yet to be established since the analysis is still ongoing.

"We were shocked by the news and we are still waiting for the analysis to know the actual loss of the property,” said Beata Uwanyirigira of Jaguar carriers Junior, a company which collaborates with Jacaju cargo L.L.C in shipment of goods to Rwanda.
