Editorial: “Sugar daddies” and school girls

Mention the word “sugar daddies” and what comes to the mind of parents is that their young girls are not safe. For a long a time, the story of older men who use money as a bait to catch innocent girls has persisted. Sounds strange?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Mention the word "sugar daddies” and what comes to the mind of parents is that their young girls are not safe. For a long a time, the story of older men who use money as a bait to catch innocent girls has persisted. Sounds strange?

Our main story today offers you insights into what transpires in the mind of women who have the misfortune of being married to guys who double as "sugar daddies”.

These are the guys you will find parked outside High School fences laying in wait for young girls, some of whom are their own children’s age mates. No shame!

You must have heard of the statement "love at first sight”. But what brings this about? One may ask. The most important ingredient in love at first sight is appearance.

So if you are in the league of wanting to get the opposite sex’s approval, then you ought to mind how you appear.

In our relationship , we take you through the hows and whys of minding your appearance. This will do you lots of good not only in your relationship life but also in your career progression.

We also take a look at the excitement generated by the parliamentary campaigns. Besides the manifestos and policy papers that are likely to be filled with boring stuff, you will realize that election campaigns offer many people an opportunity to have fun.

Open this Magazine, for there is lots of great entertainment reading. Good luck!
