Mrs Palin, why go hard?

Dear editor, Now that the McCain tone in the USA election campaign is changing entirely lacking in the previous sarcasm and wrath, which had been levelled at Mr. Obama, we are left wondering if he still has the guts to go all the way.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Dear editor,

Now that the McCain tone in the USA election campaign is changing entirely lacking in the previous sarcasm and wrath, which had been levelled at Mr. Obama, we are left wondering if he still has the guts to go all the way.

Mr McCain who is the republican Presidential candidate was previously following in the steps of President Bush.

In a speech I heard on the BBC news, it looks like McCain has now decided to be his own man signifying a break from the Bush years.

Following the convention’s formal nomination of Mrs Palin - the Republican Party’s female vice-presidential candidate, McCain is letting the woman breath fire down Obama’s neck, who I am committed to support until the end of the elections.

Mrs Palin becomes only the second woman, the first being Democrat Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, to run for the US vice-presidency.

Mrs Palin amidst her praises for Mr McCain does not forget to attack Mr Obama for talking of change, but doing nothing of substance.

However, Mr Obama is well put and as Mrs Palin attacks him, he simply gives words of encouragement towards her. This means that though she breathes out fire on Mr Obama, he just cannot be burnt.

I believe the press should not get so carried away with Mrs Palin but focus on the party manifestos. If they did this, they would realize that both parties are all talking about change and both are doing nothing about it.
