No lesson learnt from Genocide

Editor, What has the world learnt? Nothing! And the world, those who decide, couldn't care less, no matter what they say on Genocide Commemoration Day.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


What has the world learnt? Nothing! And the world, those who decide, couldn’t care less, no matter what they say on Genocide Commemoration Day.

The next day they will knowingly pursue policies that will invariably produce the next genocide for, "In such a country, genocide really doesn’t amount to a hill of beans”, as former French President François Mitterrand openly said, in complete silence from his peers and the media circus (ceux qui ne disent rien, consentent).

And the BBC, or another of its equally storied Western counterparts, will be telling us that it actually never happened, that it was all a product of our rather hyperactive imagination.Sad, isn’t it?

Mwene Kalinda

Reaction to the story, "Genocide Day: What has the world learned?” (The New Times, December 9)