OPEN VOICE: Students explore the subject of masturbation

The Education Times recently had a chat with students of Groupe Scolaire Camp Kanombe about masturbation. They shared with us what they understand by masturbation, whether they have done it before and how they broke the habit.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

The Education Times recently had a chat with students of Groupe Scolaire Camp Kanombe about masturbation. They shared with us what they understand by masturbation, whether they have done it before and how they broke the habit.

Veoloste Twogireyezu
Jean Bosco Niyonkuru

Veoloste Twogireyezu

I know what masturbation is but I have never attempted to do it. I have seen in it in  movies and I think it’s just fiction. It is not worth doing. I always assume that things related to sex will only come up later in life when I am a little older and clever enough to make my own decisions.

Jean Bosco Niyonkuru

I learnt masturbation from a friend who had been doing it for a long time. It is after we were warned at school that it would have long term effects on our life that I stopped doing it.

Simon Kayitare
Javier Masumbuko

Simon Kayitare

I masturbated once but cleaned myself very fast. It was the most weird experience in my entire life and whenever I feel the urge, I find ways of stopping it. It’s embarrassing and cannot even be discussed with others.

Javier Masumbuko

I have thought about masturbation thrice after looking at beautiful girls. Just like every man, I fantasise about women sometimes but as a Christian, I am always strengthened by the Bible to overcome those temptations.

Michael Mulindwa
Moris Ndahumbaze

Michael Mulindwa

I can’t say I’ve never masturbated but it was a long time ago. Ofcourse I didn’t like it and I was even afraid of asking people to advise me on how to stop it. Fortunately one day at school, we were advised to avoid pornography and engage in constructive activity in order to deal with the vice.

Moris Ndahumbaze 

Whenever I feel like masturbating, I always ask God for self control. Others say it’s normal but I think it should not be encouraged. But sometimes bad friends influence us into doing certian things. That’s why our teachers always tell us to watch the friends we have.

Fabrice Ndimyuzwe

Fabrice Ndimyuzwe

I saw a girl one time and I thought about her deeply. I felt like masturbating but controlled my feelings.

However, I have done it before and I think it’s not a very good thing to do.

The urge to masturbate  starts after looking at pornography magazines but currently, I try to focus my mind on other things to avoid it.

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