Teenagers love to party. However, they prefer to do it when not under supervision by a parent or teacher. The students usually prefer an environment where they can dress and dance the way they want, interact with any one of their choice and in some cases, consume drugs and engage in sexual activity undeterred.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Teenagers love to party. However, they prefer to do it when not under supervision by a parent or teacher. The students usually prefer an environment where they can dress and dance the way they want, interact with any one of their choice and in some cases, consume drugs and engage in sexual activity undeterred. That is why secret student holiday parties are on the rise.

Could your child be part of these underground bashes? Any idea where they are held and how they are planned? From where do these kids get money?  By the way how safe are they? For these and more answers, please read our lead story.

We also bring you an encounter between the Chief Justice and learners from Hope Academy Rwanda. The kids had a chance to ask His Lordship numerous questions about law and justice which he happily answered. Students will find this interaction very inspiring. 

Have a great read.