Give fresh graduates a chance to gain experience

Editor, Experience can be gained over a course of time so long as the person is given an opportunity or a platform to put all the acquired skills into practice. I mean those with papers without experience.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014


Experience can be gained over a course of time so long as the person is given an opportunity or a platform to put all the acquired skills into practice. I mean those with papers without experience.

A person shouldn’t be judged based on that. Hasn’t anyone seen a fresh graduate performing way better than the so-called experienced people?

Individual skills and the level of commitment should the basis of judgment, and not otherwise.



Education is only useful in equipping you with capacity to learn and continuing to develop practical work-related skills over the course of your working life. Otherwise was I an employer, I would prefer the candidate with a practical demonstrated track record to the callow applicant with the best of academic papers.

Mwene Kalinda


I can’tagree more. These times we study to get jobs. Employability is the focus.

Entrepreneurs employ people with higher academic qualifications. The challenge most countries face is not few degrees but job creators.


Reactions to the article, "Experience or papers: What matters most?” (The New Times, December 5)