Man hacks divorced wife to death

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE — Police in Huye are holding a man who allegedly hacked his divorced wife to death recently. The heinous act took place in Mbazi Sector on September 3.

Saturday, September 06, 2008


HUYE — Police in Huye are holding a man who allegedly hacked his divorced wife to death recently. The heinous act took place in Mbazi Sector on September 3.

Eric Munyishyaka, 31, admits to having hacked Chantal Mukabaramba to death by a machete he picked from the deceased’s home. He claims that it was anger that drove him to commit the murder.

Munyishyaka says they had been legally married for two years until 2004 when they separated over allegations of infidelity on the part of Mukabaramba.

"I complained to local authorities over the conduct of my wife until I left our marital home in 2004 because I could no longer tolerate her conduct,” he said.

"I contemplated divorce but was told that I had to pay Frw60,000 for my divorce application to go through. I did not have that money, so I quit,” he added.

At the time of separation, the couple had produced one child before Munyishyaka took on another woman in Ngoma where he was residing.

However, Munyishyaka accused the deceased of taking a similar decision to marry another man, Jean Bosco Mungwarareba and producing with him. 

"Late in August, I returned to Mbazi because I had failed to find a permanent home. While there, I was staying with my grandmother who lives near my house,” recalled Munyishyaka.

Without showing remorse, Munyishyaka gave account of the situation shortly before the incident, saying he found the deceased preparing a meal.

"On Wednesday at around 6 p.m. I went to my house, only to see a man whom I could not identify dashing out. I stormed the house, picked a machete from the living room and hacked her twice on the neck,” he said. He said that after the murder he alerted Local Defence Forces in the area who in turn called Police to arrest him.

This is the second such incident to be reported within a period of one week. The first took place in Gicumbi district on Monday September 1, when a man identified as Jean Damascene Ndolimana, 30, of Kageyo Sector allegedly killed his wife, Anociata Bazawugira.
