Can one help own body convert sugars to avoid diabetes?

Dear doctor; Are there things people can do to ensure their bodies effectively convert the sugars they eat into nutrients so as to avoid diabetes?

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Dear doctor;

Are there things people can do to ensure their bodies effectively convert the sugars they eat into nutrients so as to avoid diabetes?

James, 27, Inilak.

Dear James, Diabetes is a disease where the body fails to burn the endogenous or exogenous glucose effectively either due to lack of insulin in body  or body cells becoming resistant to effect of insulin present in the body. Stress, alcohol use, obesity, consumption of fatty food, lack of exercise are causes for diabetes, which are avoidable. Hereditary is one factor which is unavoidable. If one has one or both parents or a close blood relative  with diabetes, the chances to develop diabetes are increased. But with correct diet and regular physical exercise, avoiding alcohol and stress, the risk of developing diabetes is minimised. The diet should include more of green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, fish and nuts. Exercise done should be at least 15 minutes daily or 30 minutes at least three times a week. Even if a person does develop diabetes, the disease would be mild and easily controlled by just dietary measures and low doses of medications as in type 2 diabetes. Cases of Type 1 diabetes, which occur in the young due to lack of insulin in the body, also benefit from correct diet and exercise. But they would always need insulin, though in low doses.