I hate people who...

It is that time of the year when some of our friends and relatives who settled in Europe and North America come back for their end of year holiday.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

…come for end of year holidays just to brag about where they have been. It is that time of the year when some of our friends and relatives who settled in Europe and North America come back for their end of year holiday.

It is always great to see them except when they start all that condescending talk about how things are so much better in Paris, Brussels, Ontario, Boston or London. If things are so bad back home them why did you decide to spend your holiday in such a horrible place. Why not just go back and leave us in peace. Oh and please drop that fake accent. It is not a cure for cancer.

…are anxious to see the New Year but have achieved nothing this year. In case you have not yet noticed it is December already, the last month of the year that many love to get excited about. The people I hate in this month are those who keep saying they can’t wait for the New Year when in reality they are just running away from the fact that they have not achieved much this year.

How about you start by thinking about why you did not meet the targets you set at the beginning of the year before drowning us in you anxiety for 2015. Without such an evaluation 2015 will also be another year where you are up to nothing. I set out to hate people and hating I have done!

…never have the courtesy to ask to be excused. There is nothing as annoying as people who are rude. Whenever I encounter such people I wish it was ok to first find their parents and punish them together. I am talking about the ones who don’t think twice about shoving their bodies in your way when a simple excuse me would make the world a better place.

These are the same people who just walk to your table in a restaurant and pick anything from salt to an empty chair without saying a single word. Sometimes I silently wish these people could be rounded up and dumped in an etiquette school… with their parents. I am sure after that they will appreciate phrases like, thank you, excuse me and please.

...sit carelessly when using public transport. There is nothing wrong with not being able to afford a personal car and therefore have to rely on public transport. What is rather very annoying is the sight of people who think that seat in a taxi or bus is equivalent to the cheap sofa set back at home. I am talking about those like to throw their arms around as if the smell of hot garbage from their armpits is not bad enough.

What makes you think you should sit in one place and spread your arm to another seat that you have not paid for? The same people who sit with their legs spread apart as though they were at a village fireplace listening to hunting tales. People with such manners should not even be allowed to own their own cars. They should also be confined to an etiquette school together with their parents.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293.