Hotshots updates: Housemates at loggerheads

The trio of JJ, Idris and Nhlanhla are bonding lately and this has not gone down well with the other housemates.

Thursday, December 04, 2014
After housemates asked Africa to cast their votes the atmosphere was tense. (Net photo)

The trio of JJ, Idris and Nhlanhla are bonding lately and this has not gone down well with the other housemates. 

The bond between the three hotshots suddenly heightened a week to the show’s grand finale, something the others detest and labeled childish.

The trio however was unfazed and has continued to play dirty games; trouble precedes them the way lightning precedes thunder. In fact former Ugandan beauty queen Ellah at some point in the game said they sucked and they have tried to live up to this bad boy reputation by adopting the name and now they call themselves "the suckers”.

In the diary room Tayo shared with Biggie that he has decided to be alone lately because he didn’t want to get into any confrontations with some people.When he decided to open up, JJ and Nhlanhla pulled jokes on him, something that did not go down well with him and he felt like they were being insensitive.

Popular South African singer and DJ Unathi Msengana will hit the Big Brother stage at the grand finale this Sunday. 

Sipe called them "kids in a nursery school” but Nhlanhla emphasised that that wouldn’t deter them from having fun in the final week because that is what Africa wants to see and not sleepy heads.

On Wednesday after housemates pleaded their case for Africa to cast their votes for independence,it was tense with some wondering how they did and if they had covered all they needed to in only 50 seconds. Biggie sent in the "GH mumm” model car racing task to lighten up the serious mood.

Housemates found Biggie’s ninja standing next to an electric race track set up in the lounge. After competing in pairs against one another, Nhlanhla took first prize and hotshots "GH mumm” racing champions in the end.