The Campus Inspector: The online degree student

There is this individual that I can promise you has never ever scored above 25 per cent in school. Not even in his dreams; his brain has never been that creative. He was always the last so much that even when someone else failed terribly, they were still one step ahead.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

There is this individual that I can promise you has never ever scored above 25 per cent in school. Not even in his dreams; his brain has never been that creative. He was always the last so much that even when someone else failed terribly, they were still one step ahead.

The school of course sent him away due to his poor performance and refusal to pull up his socks. The boy just couldn’t "wear tight socks”; they were always sagging until the school couldn’t take it anymore with the 10 per cent and on good days maybe 24 per cent. 

Well, I believe people can get better but it was very hard to imagine this guy ever getting smarter. Last week, I met him in an office with a suit and tie. I couldn’t believe my misfortune considering the fact that I was in a t-shirt and jeans and if someone saw the two of us, they would think I was his driver or something. 

First of all, I was shocked that he had a job, as if that wasn’t bad enough, he told me he had a degree. Still trying to do the math in my head, I wondered how he had even graduated in the first place. Having a degree is one thing but having the marks (50 per cent) to graduate didn’t add up. How did he even get to university with his 12 per cent marks in high school? I remember he was a 12 per cent person. 

Because I can’t just let anything go, I discovered he had done the rest of his high school and university online. All you have to do is pay fees. This is what he said, "Online universities don’t discriminate, they don’t under mark you because of your looks or character, and they give you the marks you have really worked for.” 

I almost fainted when I heard this but I agreed with him at some point, they definitely don’t discriminate on who is smart and who isn’t. They can only notice who paid fees and who didn’t. 

In the meantime, he is the IT manager of the company. I bet the one cow I intend to give my future wife that he doesn’t know what an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is or how to use windows 8. 

I am currently enrolling in one of those universities. I bet I will graduate in a month and become the manager of some huge company in no time. Watch this space.