EAC microfinance top executives to meet in Kigali next week

Chief executives of microfinance institutions in the region will next week, December 8-9, converge in Kigali to discuss ways on how to improve the sector in the East African Community (EAC) bloc.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Chief executives of microfinance institutions in the region will next week, December 8-9, converge in Kigali to discuss ways on how to improve the sector in the East African Community (EAC) bloc.

The East African Microfinance Network (EAFMNET) CEO roundtable will be the first of its kind. It will be held under the theme, "The role of microfinance in EAC economic integration.”

EAFMNET is a network comprising of microfinance associations from Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Kenya. The Association of Microfinance Institutions of Rwanda (AMIR) is the current EAFMNET chair and event host.

Peter Rwema, the director general in charge of programmes at the Association of Micro finance institutions of Rwanda (AMIR), said the forum will be used as a platform for financial experts and the sector’s top managers to share experiences, information and knowledge, especially on how to tackle challenges threatening the growth of sector in the region.

The sector faces challenges, including non-performing loans, access to finance, lack of skills and product innovation.

Rwema said the meeting is an opportunity for the country’s microfinance sector to learn and share experiences on best practices and how to up their game.

Damascene Hakuzimana, the in charge of communication and advocacy at AMIR, said the meeting will attract over 300 delegates from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi and South Sudan.

There are about 416 microfinance and Umurenge Saccos in Rwanda.The conference will be officiated with by the Minister of East African Community Valentine Rugwabiza.