Diabetes still a great problem

Dear editor, Allow me to express my appreciation towards the Rwanda association of the people living with diabetes. They have organized training for doctors on diabetes with Rwandan medical experts and their South African counterparts.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Dear editor,

Allow me to express my appreciation towards the Rwanda association of the people living with diabetes. They have organized training for doctors on diabetes with Rwandan medical experts and their South African counterparts.

This is a good step towards fighting diabetes, which is on the rise in our country. Such a step is timely, despite the fact that it lasted for a relatively short period.

Additionally, I send my heart-felt appreciation towards the administration of the national university of Butare for having provided facilities that were used during the two days training.

However, more is needed as far as sensitizing the population about the dangers of the disease.

The side effects are enormous and they include; amputation of the limbs, impotence, blindness, dementia, cardiovascular diseases, kidney dysfunction, liver and so many other diseases.

It is unfortunate that very many people are ignorant about diabetes and think it is a disease of the rich and fat only. This is a total misconception!
