Mitali campaigns in Gicumbi

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — The President of the Liberal Party (PL) has called upon party supporters in Gicumbi District to adhere to party discipline in the ongoing parliamentary campaigns.

Friday, September 05, 2008


GICUMBI — The President of the Liberal Party (PL) has called upon party supporters in Gicumbi District to adhere to party discipline in the ongoing parliamentary campaigns.

Protais Mitali said this on Wednesday during the PL rally in Gicumbi stadium. Addressing supporters clad in party green colours, and waving party stickers, Mitali said their party norms require members to exercise humility, patience and peaceful co-existence with other political parties in the country.

He was flanked by the party’s Northern Province Chairman, Evariste Kalisa, the party’s National Treasurer, Evariste Kimenyi and PL parliamentary hopefuls.

"PL is committed to working with other political parties in order to put in place the party’s political agenda of ushering in justice, development and respect of human rights for all Rwandans,” said Mitali who is also the minister of youth.

He further urged PL supporters to conduct campaigns peacefully by desisting from acts of lawlessness during campaigns and the September polls. 

Evariste Kalisa enumerated several achievements attained by PL in the last five years. These include contributing to the making of the Rwandan Constitution, advocating for unity and reconciliation of Rwandans, poverty eradication and ushering in of good governance.

"We shall continue working hand in hand with other political parties to put into action government’s development programmes if you cast your votes for PL on September 15,” said Kalisa.
