I hate people who...

There are levels of disrespect but then there is a special kind of stupidity that makes one think it is OK to serve a client while at the same time conversing with a colleague about irrelevant issues.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

…serve clients while conversing with other people. There are levels of disrespect but then there is a special kind of stupidity that makes one think it is OK to serve a client while at the same time conversing with a colleague about irrelevant issues.

Sometimes as you wait to be served in some banks I will not name, tellers are busy giving pros and cons of another friend’s wedding. I come to bank money from which your salary is drawn and you pay back by making me a passive member of the audience in a useless conversation that cannot grow the economy!

Who hires these empty heads?

…forge stories of hardship after becoming successful. I could actually write a whole book on these pretentious jokers. I am talking about successful people who try so hard to make us believe that their life was the worst but they made it.

The ones who expect us to shed tears as they narrate how they used to walk to school as if their teachers were not doing the same. I am not really sure how your tales of having one meal a day are supposed to inspire the rest of us.

Do you want us to diet so we can succeed or what? It is OK to be successful without having to make it look like your life has broken all the records for being bad just before yesterday. Just tell us how you made it or be quiet.

…ask silly questions instead of doing their job. I look forward to the day when I won’t have something to hate about security guards who sleep on their job without even having to close their eyes.

Take for instance the ones who are supposed to check people’s bags before they enter a building often a shopping mall. Instead of checking to see what is in the bag one is carrying they opt to just ask.

Do they really think that if someone had a bomb he would say so? I am sick and tired of being asked whether my bag has a laptop instead of checking. Sometimes I just say, "No, it’s actually a baby!”

…are already asking me about Christmas plans. I know it is that time of the year again when capitalism reminds us that it won. Like every year before, the birth of Jesus Christ is always a big excuse for major spending and feasting. Businesses will try to sell you anything and everything as the day draws near.

I hate idle people who think it is OK to ask me what my plans are for Christmas. Since when did my plans become a major part of our conversations? Well, I plan to do many things this Christmas season and telling you is surely not one of them. For now my plan is to hate on people like you who seem to have nothing sensible to talk about.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293.