Expert Voice: We all learn by making mistakes

Learning English like any other language can sometimes be frustrating. At some point you may run short of words or even fail to fully express yourself as you would be able to do in your own native language. Almost everyone learning English goes through this stage so there is no need to worry.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Joyce Kirabo

Learning English like any other language can sometimes be frustrating. At some point you may run short of words or even fail to fully express yourself as you would be able to do in your own native language. Almost everyone learning English goes through this stage so there is no need to worry. Fortunately this stage usually doesn’t last long especially with continuous practice. So just keep speaking English regardless of whether people laugh at you or not.

If your friends laugh at you, just ignore them ignore them and take this challenge as an opportunity to learn even faster. Don’t be shocked when you eventually become the best English speaker among your peers. By embracing this frustration and feeling it more intensely through increased exposure you can pass through this stage more rapidly and you will surprise them when you turn out to be the best English speaker in your school.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. You should learn to speak first to build your confidence, and then work on correcting your grammar after you’ve reached a basic level of fluency. Involving yourself in school activities like debates, English speaking clubs and having close interaction will be very helpful to you.

Courage is resistance to fear. It doesn’t matter whether you have no vocabulary, or if your pronunciation isn’t perfect. You need to confidently open your mouth and speak if you want to improve and this will be the first vital achievement in the English learning process. If you make mistakes that means you are actually speaking English and improving but if you aren’t making mistakes then you are not speaking it. You should try to be aware of your mistakes so you can learn from them and improve your skills.

The writer is a counsellor 


Alex Mugabe

Alex Mugabe

I know how much it hurts when people laugh at you instead of helping you. The best way to learn proper English is by reading novels, and speaking it as much as possible. That way you will gain confidence.

Carol Nifh

Carol Nifh

I went through the same challenge when I was learning English. People used to laugh at me but I never gave up. I read a lot while noting down ‘hard’ words and eventually became good.

Tumwesigye Amon

Tumwesigye Amon

They say practice makes perfect and that’s exactly what Ptricia should do. Don’t be bothered or scared by those who will laugh at you. Those are just detractors.

Joshua Mbonigaba

Joshua Mbonigaba

What’s wrong with speaking incorrect English? Many of us haven’t mastered it yet despite having started using it at an early age. Since it is the medium of instruction in schools, put in more effort in learning it and you will be comfortable among your friends.

Comments, photos by Pontian Kabeera