Local artists should promote Rwandan values

Editor, Today, listening to local music or watching a local television programme hardly makes no or little difference with tuning into international channels where explicit content is the order of the day.

Monday, November 10, 2014


Today, listening to local music or watching a local television programme hardly makes no or little difference with tuning into international channels where explicit content is the order of the day.

Local artistes have ceased to promote Rwandan values and are aping the West in almost everything from dressing to embarrassing dancing styles.

Local musicians and actors are ambassadors of this country and their conduct and image is very important in expressing the good values of Rwanda to the world.

I expect artists’ work to showcase the natural African rich values of discipline, love and brotherhood. Local artistes should also strive to promote local dressing to cultivate pride in Rwandan dressing and conduct.

Barack Oduor