More passenger taxis needed

Dear editor,Over the past month, complaints rose about congestion at various taxi stages, particularly at ‘Kwarubangura’ stage -down town.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Dear editor,
Over the past month, complaints rose about congestion at various taxi stages, particularly at ‘Kwarubangura’ stage -down town.

People have lost their phones, money and handbags due to the congestion. Something has to be done.

There was a time when ATRACO boss said they had devised a mechanism to cut down on the limited availability of passenger taxis. This move would see an important change.

However, to my disappointment there is no current evidence of any changes.

The fighting and struggling for taxis is still an issue even today.

KCC and the ministry in charge of road transport should step in and seriously discuss and implement some tangible solutions.

Some good ideas are to allow more buses on the road, eliminate old and worn out taxis to set up a permanent taxi park in the city.