School head teacher gets death threats

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — Gerald Ngendahimana, the director of college-ASPEC, in Muhanga district has gone into hiding after allegedly receiving numerous death threats from residents of Shogwe sector.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


MUHANGA — Gerald Ngendahimana, the director of college-ASPEC, in Muhanga district has gone into hiding after allegedly receiving numerous death threats from residents of Shogwe sector.

Ngendahimana, who was recently interrogated by area police over assault of a senior one student, Doris Muyizere, by a member of staff, Mathias Mutabaruka, confirmed on Sunday that he was in hiding.

"My life is in danger and I am going to abandon school after receiving various threats from the community around the school. I have been accused of betraying Mutabaruka,” he said by phone.

The death threats, he claimed, were from people who were angered by his decision to pin Mutabaruka in a testimony he gave to police over the assault charges.

Mutabaruka, who acts as the school’s legal representative, is currently being held at Nyamabuye Police Post pending prosecution.

When contacted, area security officials confirmed the head teacher’s claims and said they were investigating the matter.

Police in Nyamabuye had on August 29 summoned the school administrators and three students for interrogation.

Mutabaruka, a father-in-law to the head teacher admitted to the charges after the students gave damning testimonies during a six-hour interrogation.

Meanwhile, relatives of the assaulted student said Mutabaruka has indicated intentions to settle the matters out of court.

"Mutabaruka has asked us to clear the case and offer us Frw100,000 (in compensation), but the police and local officials stepped in because of the threats the school director has received in the past few days,” Delphine Mukabaranga, a relative said.
