Is talking to self in public normal?

Dear doctor; I often catch myself talking to myself. I was told it happened even when young. Just why would I be talking to myself on the road? I have seen people with the habit do all sorts of weird and embarrassing things such as arguing and gesticulating widely to themselves on the road. I worry that I could be like them. Is this habit a mental health issue and can it be done away with?

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Dear doctor;

I often catch myself talking to myself. I was told it happened even when young. Just why would I be talking to myself on the road? I have seen people with the habit do all sorts of weird and embarrassing things such as arguing and gesticulating widely to themselves on the road. I worry that I could be like them. Is this habit a mental health issue and can it be done away with?

Jean de la Croix.

Dear Jean de la Croix,

Intrauterine device (IUD) is veDoes this habit of talking to oneself persists since when very young or it has relapsed. Was there any significant event before it started like witnessing a tragedy?  Does it happen very regularly or there are few episodes say in a week or month?

To talk to another human being is a natural human instinct. But some people would talk to just themselves. This could be simply    due to severe mental stress or  anxiety, where one just has to let go what is in his mind.  Severe depression can make one talk to himself. One having  hallucinations may talk to himself. It is like when small children play alone, they talk to imaginary friends unconsciously. Extreme loneliness mentally can make one talk when alone to himself.  It could be due to psychiatric disorders like schizophrenia.  It is a disorder where one loses touch with reality,  is unable to distinguish between imagination and reality and is unable to handle his/her emotions.  Bipolar disorders, 0bsessive compulsive neurosis, e.t.c., mental disorders are also causes for this problem. In fact it is not a feature of a single disease but may be associated with several mental disorders or conditions. But  a person  talking to himself is not always crazy. Many highly intelligent people may have same problem as studies show.

Since you realize it is a problem, you have to take steps to control it. Avoid being by yourself for long time. Human beings thrive on social interaction and that provides outlet for one’s pent up anxieties,   other negative emotions. This helps to reduce mental stress. Whenever alone, consciously avoid speaking out your thoughts loud. Think with lips closed. When in company, focus more on what others are saying. This would prevent the mind to wander on thoughts. Keeping busy creatively in leisure time would also be very useful to get rid of this habit. This is because mind would be focused on something that has to be done. Then it   would not wander enough for the thoughts to come up so strongly that they come on lips. Even if thoughts come out, practice to keep lips closed so that they are not uttered loud.