Jobseeker's Dairy: Another one gone too soon

Last Sunday, South Africa's national football team captain and Orlando Pirates goalkeeper, Senzo Meyiwa was shot dead in an attempted robbery at his girlfriend Kelly Khumalo's home.

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Last Sunday, South Africa’s national football team captain and Orlando Pirates goalkeeper, Senzo Meyiwa was shot dead in an attempted robbery at his girlfriend Kelly Khumalo’s home.

He was only 27. His death shocked and angered many, not just in South Africa but around the world who can’t understand why one of Africa’s most developed nations has failed to combat violent crime.

His death is a painful reminder of Reggae artiste Lucky Dube’s murder on October 18 2007, shortly after the singer had dropped off two of his children at a relative’s home. It was broad daylight and the assailants were after his Chrysler 300C. Apparently, they didn’t even recognise him!

Who doesn’t know Lucky Dube? Thousands of South Africans and foreigners fall victim of rape, armed robbery and murder all the time; and in fact, another high profile murder trial just got underway.

This one involves Shrien Dewani, a British businessman accused of paying a couple of South Africans to kill his wife, Anni, while the two were on their honeymoon in South Africa in November 2010. Anni was shot dead on the evening of November 13, 2010 when the taxi she and her husband were travelling in was hijacked in a dangerous township near Cape Town.

Senzo’s death also comes just days after Paralympian Oscar Pistorius started his five-year jail term for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in February 2013. The man claimed he mistook her for an intruder and now you know why the judge believed his account.

The impression I have of South Africa is a place where one can be attacked or killed anywhere, anytime, much like the one I have of Somalia, Afghanistan or Iraq where roadside bombs and attacks on restaurants, churches and markets are common. Back to Senzo, I’m ashamed to say that the first thought that crossed my mind on seeing the house where he was attacked was disbelief.

"Is that his place? Really?” my trivial mind went. Don’t be quick to judge me though. Blame today’s fickle society that projects certain perceptions of people, especially celebrities and whoever else we think is accomplished. Besides, our stars themselves like to flaunt their wealth and that’s why many drive posh cars and buy ridiculously expensive clothes.

So, seeing that house that looks rather plain in what appears to be an ordinary neighborhood, I wondered why the captain of South Africa’s national team didn’t live in a secure gated community just like Oscar Pistorius who unfortunately had to sell his to pay his legal bills.

Even after I learnt that the house belongs to Senzo’s girlfriend, I still expected a posh place, after all she’s a pop-star herself and must have lots of money! It still looks better than mine, it’s a lot bigger and has a tiled roof but you get my drift.

The other talking point in this tragedy is of course the fact that a married man was killed trying to protect his girlfriend. Now, my culture forbids us from speaking ill of the dead and believe me, that’s not what I’m trying to do but since South Africans are talking about it, I will too. Married men should not have girlfriends, otherwise what’s the whole point of marriage? Had Senzo stayed home with his wife and kids, I wouldn’t even have written this.