Voters want MPs who will ensure food security

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — When the district Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) chairman, Celestin Twagirayezu, finished enumerating the party achievements, a resident, Innocent Twagiramungu shot up and declared they were behind the party.

Monday, September 01, 2008


RUBAVU — When the district Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) chairman, Celestin Twagirayezu, finished enumerating the party achievements, a resident, Innocent Twagiramungu shot up and declared they were behind the party.

Twagiramungu then said that they want to elect legislators who will address the problem of food shortages to curtail the raising food prices. He was among hundreds of residents who recently turned up for the RPF  rally at the district main stadium.

"As for me, I’m aware of what RPF has done for this country. A lot has been done to promote economic, political and social development and I’m personally behind the party. However, as voters, we want a candidate who will always come back here to listen to our problems,” said Twagiramungu.

During the rally, Twagirayezu, flanked by other party officials introduced the party parliamentary candidates to the voters.

Amid approving comments by other residents in the crowd, Twagiramungu pointed out that food shortage coupled with a steady rise in prices was the most eminent problem affecting them.

"We want a candidate who will come down to promote farmers’ associations in order to increase their productivity and put an end to food shortages,” he said. He appealed to district authorities to come up with an immediate solution to address the problem.

"Prices are steadily rising including that of Irish potatoes which is produced from this area. The government has scrapped taxes on food crops such as Irish potatoes to facilitate us get them at relatively cheaper prices. Why then are prices still high,” Twagiramungu asked in a separate interview shortly after the rally.

Evariste Bizimana, the district vice mayor in charge of economic development, said that the district would address food shortages through the economic revolution policy.