UN Day 2014

Rwanda is currently experiencing one of the fastest periods of growth and socioeconomic progress in its history, largely due to its strong and innovative government leadership and support from development partners, such as the United Nations (UN).

Friday, October 24, 2014

Rwanda is currently experiencing one of the fastest periods of growth and socioeconomic progress in its history, largely due to its strong and innovative government leadership and support from development partners, such as the United Nations (UN).

Since 2000, national programming has been lead primarily by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which are eight targets, set to be achieved by 2015, that touch on every aspect of development. As 2015 approaches and the MDG agenda is nearing its close, it is important for the nation to reflect on the successes and challenges of its development programs these past 14 years.

Currently, Rwanda has two significant strategies for the future, the Vision 2020 and the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS II), already in action.

In addition to these national programs, Rwanda will continue to support MDG 8, global partnership for development, in the post-2015 agenda.

The Government of Rwanda (GoR)’s close partnership with the UN has been a large contributing component of the country’s remarkable and rapid progress. Rwanda is a pilot country for the UN’s "One UN” reform, in which development goals are approached holistically, rather than by individual agencies soley.

Increased harmonization and efficiency, reduced transactional costs of aid, and improved national ownership of the country’s progress are among the many benefits to approaching Rwanda’s development in unity.

One UN Rwanda has four development results groups (DRGs), which serve as foundational and collaborative goals for all the UN agencies. The DRGs are also a way to gauge Rwanda’s progress towards achieving the MDGs and contribute to the post-2015 discussion.