Women vital for development - research

GASABO - A consultant with the United Nations Development Fund for Women [UNIFEM], Ingabire Imaculee, has disclosed that research will soon be conducted to prove women’s inclusion in decision making as vital for development. 

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Imaculee Ingabire.

GASABO - A consultant with the United Nations Development Fund for Women [UNIFEM], Ingabire Imaculee, has disclosed that research will soon be conducted to prove women’s inclusion in decision making as vital for development. 

"We have already conducted research on women’s involvement in decision making for development,” said Ingabire, in an interview at La Palisse Hotel, Nyandungu, recently.

She said that the research was conducted by Reseau des Femmes Ouverant pour le Development Rural [A networking of women for rural development].

"It will be proof that women are needed in decision making,” she underscored.

Ingabire, who is also known as an aggressive woman activist, described the research as a crucial instrument that can be used in "advocating for women’s rights.”

"The aim of the research is to have 30 percent of women representation as was discussed in the women’s conference held in Beijing in 1995,” she said.

She added that she expects the research to be officially released after passing the Gender Based Violence [GBV] bill into law.

The GBV bill which has already been vetted by the two chambers of parliament - the Chambers of Deputies and The Senate - is awaiting endorsement from the President and minister of Justice.

She said that the GBV bill which was initially unpopular amongst the majority of men in parliament seeks to restrain men who mistreat their spouses.

Ingabire was among the foremost agitators of the inheritance law since 1997, which was finally passed in 1999.
