Residents decry rise in crime

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — Residents in Gisenyi town have appealed to authorities to step up security after a recent wave of robbery and violent crimes in the area.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


RUBAVU — Residents in Gisenyi town have appealed to authorities to step up security after a recent wave of robbery and violent crimes in the area.

Recently, a number of residents reported being robbed of mobile phones and money and being being beaten by unidentified suspects who left them with injuries.

Numerous cases of burglary have also recently been reported.

Residents who talked to our reporter said they were afraid. 
"Surprisingly every household is charged a monthly fee of Frw500 by the sector authorities meant for security yet violent cases are on the rise, one resident, Florence Muhawenayezu wondered.

"The money is reportedly paid to local defence and other residents who conduct night patrols, but when are these patrols carried out?” she asked.

About two weeks ago, a man identified as Tony Karangwa an employee of Bank Populair was attacked by unidentified thugs at around 7.30 pm while returning home. The thugs beat and left him with injuries.

A few days later, an employee of Electro Gaz, was attacked and robbed of a mobile phone handset and Fws20.000.

Contacted for a comment, Rubavu district police commander, Superintendent Herbert Gashagazi said police in conjunction with community policing committees were working to curbing down the increasing crimes in the town.

"About 12 cases of violence and robbery crimes have been reported in the last two months. But we are doing everything possible to fight these crimes,” he said.

He explained that the police have started conducting night patrols to arrest suspected thug and drug users in Gisenyi town suspected of the crimes. 

According to local leaders, crime is largely attributed to the increasing use of drugs reportedly smuggled into the country from the neighboring DRC town of Goma.

"There have been many reported violent cases in Gisenyi sector which is mostly related to the use of drugs.

Although concerned authorities are doing everything possible to fight it, it is still tricky,” explained Gisenyi sector coordinator Gideon Ruboneza.

He said that drug dealers have developed a trick of using minors in their business thinking they are free from court charges.

"We have in many cases arrested minors involved in the deal, tried to scare them into revealing names of people who send them but none of them has ever revealed any useful information,” he said.

He added, that "drug dealers use minors after convincing them never to disclose any information in case of any arrest, saying they would never be charged since they are under age.”

Ruboneza pointed out that the law against drug abuse is weak and hinders the successful fight against drug abuse.

"The dealers involved have previously been sentenced to only two months because that is what the law stipulates.

This has given drug dealers courage to continue the trade since they have no fear of the brief detention,” he said. 

He called upon the judicially to change the law criminalizing drug abuse to address the problem.
