Technology: Webcam: Your online camera

In today’s world, technology has unveiled a lot of gadgets. But amongst these, many are within our midst but don’t know how to operate them or even their extra features. Now, with the current generation addicted to internet surfing, the webcam is one gadget exposed to many but with only a few of its features known. A webcam or web camera is a small camera usually, though not always, video camera, whose images can be accessed using the World Wide Web (a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet), instant messaging, or a computer video conferencing application.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

In today’s world, technology has unveiled a lot of gadgets. But amongst these, many are within our midst but don’t know how to operate them or even their extra features.

Now, with the current generation addicted to internet surfing, the webcam is one gadget exposed to many but with only a few of its features known.

A webcam or web camera is a small camera usually, though not always, video camera, whose images can be accessed using the World Wide Web (a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet), instant messaging, or a computer video conferencing application.

A webcam is also described as a low-resolution digital video camera which uploads images to a web server, either continuously or at regular intervals, but only if attached to a computer, or by dedicated hardware. The device includes a lens, an image sensor, and some support electronics.

Videoconferencing cameras typically take the form of a small camera connected directly to a computer. This application is included in programmes such as Yahoo Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, and Skype.

Some online video broadcasting sites have taken advantage of this technological application to create internet television programmes centered around two or more people with each other from two different places.

Educators can also use webcams to take their students on virtual field trips. Increased video quality has helped webcams encroach on traditional video conferencing systems.

New features such as lighting adjustments can make users more comfortable, further increasing popularity. Features and performance vary between programmes.

The webcam can be connected directly to a network or the Internet as users can access the picture by connecting to an onboard web server.

But can be connected to a computer and can act as web-accessible camera with certain software. Usually, this kind of software works with almost every webcam.

Video features, including faces, shapes, models and colours can be observed and tracked to produce a corresponding form of control.

A webcam that records to a video file is essentially no different from any other video camera which records directly to hard disk.

However, a webcam is frequently used to describe any footage shot on the digital video cameras designed for real-time webcam use, recognizable by the distinct quality of image such cameras offer.
