Skenia brings Scania buses and trucks to Rwanda

Scania buses and other heavy duty trucks are now available following the opening of a branch by Skenia Motors Ltd, the permitted distributor for Scania in the region. The Rwandan branch located on Plot 364 Kicukiro road is estimated to have cost $2 million (Frw1.1 billion). Through Skenia Motors Ltd, the Swedish truck and bus-making firm (Higer buses and Yuejin trucks) and one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks and buses will be available on Rwandan and Great Lake region market.

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Scania displayed at the 2007 rwandan expo.

Scania buses and other heavy duty trucks are now available following the opening of a branch by Skenia Motors Ltd, the permitted distributor for Scania in the region.

The Rwandan branch located on Plot 364 Kicukiro road is estimated to have cost $2 million (Frw1.1 billion). Through Skenia Motors Ltd, the Swedish truck and bus-making firm (Higer buses and Yuejin trucks) and one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks and buses will be available on Rwandan and Great Lake region market.

The investors are believed to be attracted to Rwanda partly because the transport sector is rated as one of the fast growing in the region with the best network of roads linking rural and urban areas.

Forum to address tax issues established

Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) and the Private Sector Federation (PSF) have established a forum to discuss tax concerns.

Tax issues forum (TIF) will convene on quarterly basis to discuss concerns from the business community in bid to facilitate trade and promote business growth in Rwanda, enabling both parties find solutions to tax concerns.

The Commissioner General of RRA, Mary Baine said forming the forum highlights government’s desire to have the private sector-led economy as reflected in the Vision 2020, while RRA is also instrumental public in supporting private sector development.

The forum follows claims that RRA is to blame for the poor tax payments but Baine said that the forum will be an effective tool for solving certain challenges.

However, she asked tax payers to be compliant to avoid penalties for failure to log in their tax declarations before the deadlines while the PSF sensitises and encourages taxpayers to declare and pay tax dues in time to avoid queue at last moment.

The Secretary General of PSF, Emmanuel Hategeka, commended RRA for openness to overcome tax challenges facing the business community.

40m coffee seedlings to be distributed

Rwanda Coffee Development Authority (Ocir-café) is to distribute 40 million coffee seedlings to Rwandan coffee farmers soon in a bid to increase acreage of fast growing, high-yielding and disease resistant varieties to boost coffee production.

This is 30 million coffee seedlings above those given out last year. The Director General of Ocir café, Alex Kanyakole, explained that the increase in coffee production will subsequently bring about an increase in foreign exchange earnings in Rwanda, seeking to cut down high poverty levels among its 10 million people.

With the help of the Institute of Agriculture and Scientific Research (ISAR) among other coffee developmental partners, the trees have been tested and proved adaptive to the country’s climate and soils.

Over 500,000 farmers, with an average of 200 coffee trees each are expected to benefit and more attracted into coffee farming.

Blue expands to Rwanda targeting workers

Blue Financial Services, a South African Microfinance Institution (MFI) opens up a branch in Rwanda, becoming the 12th African country, as part of its expansion drive on the continent.

The coming follows National Bank of Rwanda (BNR) granting the MFI a licence to operate as a non-deposit taking institution.

Blue plans to lend $600,000 (Frw329.1m) to be workers and $100,000 (Frw 54.9m) for infrastructure development.

The MFI is also is targeting to open 8 branches countrywide before the end of 2009.

State Minister in charge of industry and investment promotion, Vincent Karega, said Blue intervention would increase competition in MFIs as it will also facilitate Small and Medium Enterprises access capital to finance their investments.

Blue, founded in 2001, currently has over 173 branches and 1790 employees in 12 African countries.
