Businesses urged to prioritise customer care

As rwanda joins the rest of the world to mark the International Customer Service Week, the country looks to strengthen efforts aimed at promoting good customer service. Yves Ngenzi, the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) head of the customer care unit, said activities to mark the week will highlight the value of excellent service delivery in the workplace.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

As rwanda joins the rest of the world to mark the International Customer Service Week, the country looks to strengthen efforts aimed at promoting good customer service. 

Yves Ngenzi, the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) head of the customer care unit, said activities to mark the week will highlight the value of excellent service delivery in the workplace.

"It is also important for managers to drive and prioritise customer care because great customer experience gives companies a competitive edge, not just locally, but globally.

"As a country, we aim at becoming a thriving service-based economy and so, providing world-class service should be part and parcel of our daily work,” Ngenzi said.

This year’s activities will run under the theme, "Say yes to excellence”, underlining the importance of developing a culture of service excellence and superior customer satisfaction.

The annual customer service week aims at enhancing morale, motivation and teamwork among service providers. Rwanda has been running two drives, Na Yombi, aimed at creating an environment that values quality services and changing the mindset of Rwandans on the benefits of excellent customer service, and Noza serivisi, which has done a lot to promote good customer service among public service workers.

The two campaigns have changed the attitude of service providers, with many embracing approaches that ensure memorable customer experience. However, some people believe more should be done so that all Rwandans understand the importance of good customer service visa vis the country’s growth strategy, the second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS II).

Jerome Bizimana, a shop attendant in Nyabugogo, noted that some people, especially in the hospitality industry and transport sector "still take clients for granted”.

Some of the activities to be conducted over the week include an interactive campaign where people will give feedback about their customer service experience, distribution of customer care-related education materials and presentations on customer care and importance of quality service in universities and other institutions.