Women candidates cautioned on campaigns

GASABO - Women aspiring for parliamentary seats have been cautioned to avoid mudslinging against their rivals in the ongoing election campaigns.

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Eugene Barikana.

GASABO - Women aspiring for parliamentary seats have been cautioned to avoid mudslinging against their rivals in the ongoing election campaigns.

The caution was part of a training package provided to them by Proffemme Twese Hamwe, a national women umbrella organisation at Hotel La Palisse Nyandungu.

The 114 women candidates who attended the workshop were briefed on how to avoid possible cause of election tensions, which may force some of them to get ditched.

Agnes Mujawayesu, the Executive Secretary of Profemme said Wednesday the training was aimed at enabling them to set clear manifestos for their legislative mandates.

"We urged them to carefully chose the words they will use in campaigns ,” Mujawayesu noted.

She said the seminar helped them to realise some of the possible sources of challenges and how to deal with them to secure a public vote of confidence.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Local Government, Eugene Barikana, told them to be specific on their promises to the public.

"You will be increasing your chances in emerging winners of the upcoming parliamentary elections” Barikana assured.

He said: "As prospective leaders, you should be guided by equity, unity and the reconciliation principle since the next parliament is expected to steer it to another level.”

He added that transparency in election campaigns will pay dividends to both winners and the public who will have voted in their favour.

24 seats are reserved for women in the Rwandan Parliament.
