Will giving births within short spell keep me 'younger'?

Dear doctor; I am 24 and just conceived. My plan has been to get three children within a short spell. I am told it is the best way to look younger compared to when you give birth once and wait for more than two years. Is this so?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dear doctor;

I am 24 and just conceived. My plan has been to get three children within a short spell. I am told it is the best way to look younger compared to when you give birth once and wait for more than two years. Is this so?

Concerned Woman.

Dear Concerned Woman,

There are pros and cons to every situation, including spacing between siblings. Although for maintaining and improving a woman’s health after delivery and to boost good baby care (giving full attention to one baby at a time), it is advisable to have a second child two years or more after the first child. It gives enough time to the mother to recuperate after  bringing up the first child. The disadvantage to this scenario is that after a gap, the mother has to undergo the same drill again of waiting for the baby to deliver then endless hours of feeding and washing and sleepless nights.

Having second baby and other in succession after the first one seems tiring, apparently. But it has the advantage of finishing baby care in one go in a sense. The mother, while tuned to the routine of baby care, brings up the babies without making any rearrangements or change in routines. Thus, in the long run, it is less tiring. It may be economical also because, baby material would still be around the house and can be shared and reused. Siblings are said to bond better when the age difference between them is not much.

Regarding looks of a woman, as such each pregnancy enhances the looks of a woman because of increased estrogen levels. The breasts and hip get fuller, face has enhanced glow. Therefore, if children are born in quick succession, the pregnant looks will be maintained.

Another thing is that as children grow up almost simultaneously, this lady may look younger as compared to mother of other play mates of the children who may have other much older children due to age difference in the siblings.

But time difference between two babies is  strictly a personal choice of a couple depending on their idea of family size, social and economic conditions.