Reading as an approach to a bright future

Dear editor, There are several techniques used to instil knowledge and wisdom into the school-going children in Rwanda. These are all important, however, the fastest and most effective method is when children are taught to read and to be creative writers.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Dear editor,

There are several techniques used to instil knowledge and wisdom into the school-going children in Rwanda. These are all important, however, the fastest and most effective method is when children are taught to read and to be creative writers.

There are key advantages that come with learning how to read and write. The recently concluded reading and writing contest that took place at Hotel Des Mille Collines was a brilliant move.

Children at an early age should be encouraged to discover and explore their potential in various areas and fields of study.

Children who read extensively stand a better chance of performing better in school. This is attributable to the fact that they are better informed than children who do not take the time to read at all.

Being knowledgeable and wise does not mean children have to only, read the notes given to them in class. Reading books on various subjects outside the school curriculum will stimulate their brains to understand better about matters concerning life in general.

It is never too late for parents to incorporate the reading culture in children. Parents should make this part of their lives so as to raise children who have an idea of what the future holds for them.
