Public must be told of those who escape prison

Rwanda Correctional Services (RCS) should not keep quiet to wait for another case similar to one of Steven Baribwirumuhungu. They knew that a criminal escaped prison and they strangely chose to keep quiet.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Rwanda Correctional Services (RCS) should not keep quiet to wait for another case similar to one of Steven Baribwirumuhungu. They knew that a criminal escaped prison and they strangely chose to keep quiet.

What we see in movies should teach them a lesson. Whenever a criminal breaks out of the prison, police use every form of media to alert the public so that they don’t end up harbouring someone who will wake up and murder them as Baribwirumuhungu did his unsuspecting hosts.

If the public knew that a criminal is lurking around, surely someone should have noticed him and then reported him to security organs.

We have media houses in Rwanda and we are always on social media; if authorities posted the prisoners’ picture like the police did when the killer of Bella Shalom Uwase ran away earlier this year, those prisoners would have nowhere to hide.

There are people who should be held accountable inside the RCS.

Hamid Rutare

Reaction to the story; prison breaks: "Is RCS ‘hush’ endangering the public?’ published in The New Times on Wednesday September 23