When will the DRC have peace?

Dear editor, The clashes that have erupted between fighters loyal to rebel leader Laurent Nkunda and the army in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo is a hopeless situation.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Dear editor,

The clashes that have erupted between fighters loyal to rebel leader Laurent Nkunda and the army in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo is a hopeless situation.

There is no reason for Africans to keep killing each other whether they are rebels or government soldiers, it does not matter because we are all of one blood and race.

It is a frustrating situation when the rebel leaders and the government break peace treaties or Cease-fire agreements. At the end of January, a peace deal was signed in Goma between the government and the rebel groups.

It was supposed to have seen the disarmament of the rebels and their integration into the national army. Restore sanity in the country.
