Kigali mini cricket league finals today

Today Junior GS Ndera vs St. Eprit Senior boys & girls GS Ndera SS vs ES Tourism & Hotelrely Gasogi The Inaugural Kigali Mini cricket league finals are set for today at Ndera Seminary play grounds

Thursday, September 25, 2014


JuniorGS Ndera vs St. Eprit

Senior boys & girls

GS Ndera SS vs ES Tourism & Hotelrely Gasogi

The Inaugural Kigali Mini cricket league finals are set for today at Ndera Seminary play grounds.

There will be three finals—one in the junior category when Groupe Scolaire Ndera primary school takes on St. Eprit primary school as well as the senior boys’ and girls’ between Groupe Scolaire Ndera and Ecole Scolaire de Tourism & Hotelrey Gasogi in both genders.

The six teams came through a qualifiers tournament that was played last month that attracted 14 schools.

Eric Hirwa, the Kigali mini league cricket development officer said the competition is going to be very tense because all the schools in the final are good.

"We expect tight competition in the final as all the teams are tough and have prepared well,” he said.

Hirwa added that during the event, both the players and parents will be sensitised on the measures of fighting the scourge of HIV/Aids.